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Archive for the tag “Mushrooms prevent tumors”

More Vegetables, Less Cancer

Fuhrman and Kraynak

Fuhrman and Kraynak

…or something like that.  This is the kind of bold statement Dr. Joel Fuhrman might make.  I continue my coverage of “The Seed: A Vegan Experience”

Dr.Joel Fuhrman spoke on “Winning the War Against Cancer” in his keynote speech on Saturday, June 16th.  In the spirit of Campbell and Esselstyn (Forks Over Knives), Fuhrman’s doctoring style is nutrition as a cure and drugs as a last resort.  While herbalists, health store owners and eastern medicine lovers have been preaching this for years, the medical community has often been slow in embracing this idea.  Fuhrman brings the science and some very bold statistics that suggest that living a life of what he calls “Super Immunity” will protect you from cancer, cure cancers, prolong life and repair the damage done from eating the Standard American Diet (SAD) for so long. 

As he simply puts it: Health equals Nutrients/Calories or H=N/C for short.  This ideology encourages a higher nutrient to lower calorie ratio, avoiding especially empty calories (containing no nutrients).   I originally saw Dr.Fuhrman in the documentary Vegucated.  I encourage you to read his book Super Immunity.  He’s quite the visionary and quite passionate about his practice.

These are some of Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s beliefs:

•  Too much protein causes cancer
•  Korea has a 90 percent lower breast cancer before introduction of fast food into their diet.
•  White rice is one of the worst things you could eat (zero nutrients)
•  Salt causes stomach cancer
•  It’s a myth that we are living longer these days
•  Living longer numbers are bogus and are actually skewed by less infant mortality rate, due to better childbirth/running water etc.
•  We are suffering longer – we now get sick 10-15 years before we die
                Used to be our quality of life goes down 2-3 months before death
•  Antibiotics cause cancer
•  ITC’s (Isothiocyanates) in cruciferous vegetables repair the dha, neutralize cancer-causing carcinogens
•  All oil is bad – goes directly into the blood stream and instantly turns into fat
•  Grounded up flax seeds not flax-seed oil
•  Flax seeds-prevent breast cancer
•  Best soy products are tempeh and edamame
•  Worse soy products  is tofu dogs and soy protein shake
•  Men who eat beans 3 times a week have 50 percent lower colon cancer
•  Mushrooms make immunity system work better
•  Mushrooms prevent growth of blood vessels – No blood vessels, tumors can’t grow
•  Mushrooms don’t allow you to get fat.
•  You only need a small amount of mushrooms to get these benefits
•  Half cup of onions per day equals 100 percent protection from cancer
•  Half pound of green vegetables per day equals 100 percent protection from cancer
•  Strawberries make you live longer and also prevents colon cancer
•  The best diet is a vegan one that includes nuts and seeds

You Ever Wonder Why?

The Key to the best possible health or becoming what Fuhrman calls a “Nutritarian”…
GOMBBS: Greens, Onions, Mushrooms, Berries, Beans and Seeds

Sound radical?  You may ask why his findings are not always embraced by the medical community.  It’s been suggested that one possible reason, is that it’s hard for a Doctor to completely abandoned what they were taught and is the current medical thought of the time.  After all, doctors have given this contrary advice for years.

I think we can all agree, GOMBBS makes sense. Dr.Fuhrman’s statistics are hair-raising and certainly brings a new chapter to how we view our health.  Read more and decide for yourself.

Here’s the Q&A.  What did I ask?  Watch and find out

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